=?==== General FAQ ====== ??? How can I get support on OSCulator? !!! The recommended way of asking for help is [[https://osculator.net/forum|through the community's forum]]. If you require privacy, or have a more specific request, you can also send an e-mail to Camille (camille at osculator dot net). ??? How do I completely uninstall OSCulator and its components? !!! Please follow these instructions: - Launch OSCulator and open the Preferences, click on the Outputs tab - Uncheck the "Install the Virtual Joystick kernel extension" box ; - Quit OSCulator ; - Delete the following if they exist: * ''/Applications/OSCulator.app'' * ''/Users/''////''/Library/Application Support/OSCulator'' * ''/Users/''////''/Library/Preferences/net.osculator.OSCulator.plist'' * ''/Users/''////''/Library/Preferences/net.osculator.OSCulator.LSSharedFileList.plist'' * ''/Library/Application Support/OSCulator'' ??? OSCulator creates OSC routings automatically from received MIDI input, What do "bref" and "uref" exactly mean? !!! Short answer: you should not use them manually and therefore they are not documented.\\ These are internal routing arguments to handle the case of bi-directional routing with message having multiple arguments. They are used when an OSC message with at least 2 arguments are configured with two MIDI CC. When the MIDI host replies, the received message (/midi/ccXY/Z) only have 1 argument. Therefore, in order to send the correct message back to the OSC device, we must build a OSC routing for each MIDI CC that will use and/or update the current values of the OSC device.