Frequently Asked Questions
General FAQ
How can I get support on OSCulator?
How do I completely uninstall OSCulator and its components?
OSCulator creates OSC routings automatically from received MIDI input, What do "bref" and "uref" exactly mean?
Purchasing FAQ
Do you have a privacy policy?
How many licenses should I purchase?
How do I choose between OSCulator 2 and OSCulator 3?
License Management FAQ
I just purchased OSCulator but have trouble installing the license, please help!
I have lost my license, or my hard drive has crashed, can I get my license back?
I try to activate my license but I get the following error message: "Maximum number of activations has been reached". What is going wrong?
iPhone/iPad FAQ
How can I use TouchOSC on my iPhone or iPad with Ableton Live?
How can I connect TouchOSC to my Mac without a Wi-Fi router?
What is the best way to connect an iPad/iPhone to OSCulator?
I carefully followed the procedure, and I can tell that my iPad and computer are on the same network. Still, I can't send anything to my computer, and it doesn't even appear in TouchOSC's network browser. What I can do?
TouchOSC and Ableton Live were working fine together for days, but today it seems that changes in Live do not reflect in TouchOSC, the bi-directional comm seems broken. What can I do?
How do I send messages coming from one device to two computers?
Wiimote FAQ
Connecting and Operating the Wiimote
How do I connect the Wiimote to OSCulator?
My Wiimote connects to my computer whenever I touch a button, this is annoying!
My Wiimote does not connect although I have followed the previous instruction. What can I do?
My Mac does not have Bluetooth. Can I use a USB-Bluetooth adapter dongle?
How many Wiimotes or Balance Boards can I use at the same time?
I am getting a slight latency with the wii remote, is it possible to better the response?
How do I connect the Balance Board to OSCulator?
Using the Wiimote
What are Pitch, Yaw, and Roll?
Everything's working great for me except the YAW feature. I don't understand what happens, help!
Has anyone noticed any broad rules or guidelines for using yaw input?
Any tips on using the infrared (IR) sensor?
What is the IAC driver and how can I use it?