====== Variables ====== They are used when advanced OSC routing capabilities are needed. Variables are events that store a value in a temporary place, and later use that value in a ''OSC Routing'' event. They are useful when a OSC message needs to be constructed from different non-homogeneous values. ===== Usage ===== The first step is to assign the ''Variables'' event to a message argument. There are 16 different variables that can be assigned, and they are numbered from 0 to 15. {{ :manual:6variables-1.png |}} Here the Variable 0 will store the last value sent by the OSC messages ''/1/fader/1'' and the Variable 1 will store the last value sent by the message ''/1/fader/2''. These variables are then used in an ''OSC Routing'' event. Here is an example of such event in the OSC Editor, where the Variables 0 and 1 are composed in a message named ''/faders''. {{ :manual:6variables-2.png |}} This event can then be assigned for example to the ''/1/push1'' OSC message. Therefore, every time the message ''/1/push1'' is received, OSCulator will send the ''/faders'' message along with two arguments being the last values received from the ''/1/fader1'' and ''/1/fader2'' messages. {{ :manual:6variables-3.png |}}