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neewbee questions

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  • neewbee questions

    hey guys,

    we trying to automate a ligthing show over osc.

    that means we want a signal from logic translate to the osc strings of the hog 4.
    that means for example:
    midi note #Z send via OSC-> / hog / playback / go/0, #X. #Y to the desk.
    but we need a lot of different notes.

    first song sec 1 midi note 1 sends / hog / playback / go/0,1
    first song sec 2 midi note 2 sends / hog / playback / go/0,2

    we have a laptop with logic. we choose one external midi instrument.
    we can see when the instrument send something. but we can not see wich of the 127 midi notes it is
    we see /midi/note/1 in osc. but it doesnt matter wich note we use, its always note 1.

    the second question is about the routing after this.

    how can we say "every time when you got midi note 1 from midi instrument 1 send / hog / playback / go/0,1
    i know we can do it in the routing window, but there are only 16 routing possibiltys?!?


  • #2
    Hi fillustratio,

    /midi/note/1 does not mean MIDI Note 1, but MIDI Note on channel 1.
    As you can see this message has 3 arguments : pitch, velocity and trigger.
    Every time a note is on or off, the three arguments have different values, for example:

        MIDI Note On 32 at velocity 12, channel 1:
           pitch: 32
           velocity: 12
           trigger: 1
        MIDI Note Off 32 at velocity 0, channel 1:
           pitch: 32
           velocity: 0
           trigger: 0
    So, what you need is to "reveal" the notes hidden behind the pitch argument. To do that, select the pitch argument and choose "Edit -> Demux", then send MIDI notes again. OSCulator will now show the values received on the pitch argument and create sub-messages for each of them.

    You will want to attach your OSC Routing events to the "trigger" argument.

    Best Regards,
    Last edited by camille; 06-28-2018, 11:41 AM. Reason: Edited for clarity

