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Ignore MIDI release message

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  • Ignore MIDI release message

    Hi everyone! Just getting started with OSCulator, needing some help

    I have a Korg NanoPad (original, not 2) that I'm using with it. When I press on a button, OSCulator receives a message (90 2E xx - the xx being some numbers dependent on how hard or fast I press I think), but when I release the button, it receives another message (80 2E 40, every time). I'm trying to have it ignore the release message, but not finding anywhere to do that. I appreciate any insight anyone can give!

    If it helps, I'm trying to send an OSC message /atem/transition/auto . In the output monitor, it shows up as "/atem/transition/auto ,f 1.00" when I press and "/atem/transition/auto ,f 0.00" when I release

  • #2
    I added in the "Template Editor" -> Send When: The Value crosses 0.5 upwards
    That works for me

