hey guys
SO my daughter has been playing with pots & pans since last October and she finally hit my wife and I in the head (metaphorically of course); She's destined to be a star drummer! The signs are there! Well...maybe she just likes to bang on stuff... but we'll never know until we get her a real drum set (or something similar).

Her birthday is coming up and we want to surprise her with drums. However, we don't have enough $$$ to buy her real drums so I've made it my life goal to figure out how to sync Rockband 4 PS4 Drums via bluetooth with my laptop. My ultimate goal is to have her jam out quietly in her headphones and then later connect to some larger speakers.

I've accomplished 75% of my goal. There's issues I'm having that will prevent my lil girl from enjoying the drum pads as a quality midi controller.

I've successfully connected my drum pads to fl studio as a midi controller using a Bluetooth compatible laptop with Xpadder. NO LAG. It's as easy as it sounds honestly. Though there is some issues that prevent the user from enjoying these drums as a quality midi controller. I made a video describing and quickly showcasing the 3 main issues i'm having, and so I'm looking for help from the reader. Any comments, opinions, concerns, ideas...are welcome and appreciated.

Here's my video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McqNob-lypI
I'm dealing lack of velocity sensitivity, signal sensitivity, and am unable to independently assign the cymbals to their own output signal as they share the same button signal as their corresponding colored drum pad.

I'm pretty sure that the RB drum set actually works like as a ps4 controller. With that in mind, im considering modding the drum set internally and re-routing the cymbals and drum pads to un-used buttons like R1,R2,L1,L2. But since those buttons are not on the actual drum pad i wonder if it's even possible. I might have to take apart a PS controller and cross breed the two.

Can osculator solve my problem??