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Osculator with cinema 4d and camera grip tools

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  • Osculator with cinema 4d and camera grip tools

    Hi everybody,

    i'm currently trying to get osculator running togther with the cam grip tool plugin ( for cinema 4D 11.5.

    unfortunately cinema happens to crash as soon as i have osculator running..

    this happens only after i intalled the cam grip plugin, when its removed everything seemes ok when i start cinema 4d while osculator is running.

    may be a port issue? is there an older version of osculator which i can download and try?

    or even a odd behaviour of the cinema plugin?

    my setup:

    any help is very much appreciated!


  • #2
    Thank Jeremias for the detailed description.
    I think giving you an older version would not help to solve the problem. Since you are using Snow Leopard, I would even encourage you to use the newest version of OSCulator, 2.10.2.
    My first guess is that Camera Grip Tools has a problem dealing with MIDI virtual ports (OSCulator uses a virtual MIDI Output, but is also able to send MIDI to physical ports, eg on a USB MIDI interface).

    When Cinema 4D crashes, could you please copy and send me the automatically generated crash report? My email is camille at osculator dot net. With this information, I should be able to understand what is going wrong with the plugin and / or OSCulator.

    Also, I would suggest you contact the authors of this plugin to see if they are aware of this crash.

    Best Regards,


