Hey Cam,

I finally had a bit of time to go back to Luminair recently and thought I would play with the Wiimote. I opened everything I had saved (was using TouchOSC and had it working just fine) and now I'm having connection issues.

I have my Event Type as OSC Routing and am using the pre-defined parameters I downloaded from the site in the value column. I'm getting a green indicator light in Osculator when using both the Wiimote and TouchOSC. Luminair is showing up as expected when selecting a Host in the Paraments menu and I have that radio button selected.

Luminair has OSC Input enabled and listening on port 8000 (this is the same port that OSC is listening too). I've tried changing the port which Osculator has no trouble recognizing but Luminair is still unresponsive.

Am I overlooking something extremely simple?

Sorry for the trouble,