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CDJ-1000 Inspired TouchOSC Layout (iPad)

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  • CDJ-1000 Inspired TouchOSC Layout (iPad)

    Hello all, thought I would share my latest creation, a 3-page TouchOSC layout emulating two CDJs and a mixer. This is a great mobile setup for parties, and I would love to see someone make use of it with multiple iPads even.

    Full-Size Image here

    Required Software:
    Traktor Pro / Traktor Pro 2
    TouchOSC (iOS)

    Required Hardware:
    iPad / iPad 2
    Laptop (intended for Macbook / Macbook pro)

    Main Features:
    -Large Encoders (Jog Wheels) for smooth track control
    -6 hotcues - twice as many as a real CDJ, catering more to Traktor
    -3 TouchOSC Pages - Left Deck, Mixer, Right Deck
    -MIDI-Out mapped to volume (Both AFL & PFL for accurate levels)
    -MIDI-Out for filter levels, EQ levels, pitch faders and crossfader
    -Reset buttons for filters and EQ (including visual feedback of 'snapping' to 0)
    -Long faders for precise filter control
    -Sync button on decks
    -Jog mode button (toggles Snap)
    -Tempo Reset & Pitch Faders on deck pages as well as the mixer page for continuous control on a single iPad
    -Secondary encoders on mixer page to nudge tracks while EQing/Using FX

    Quick Diagram for the non-obvious controls:

    1. Download containing the TouchOSC map, Traktor .tsi and OSCulator file.

    2. Sync TouchOSC Layout to your iPad using the TouchOSC Editor, it will display as "CDJ1000"

    3. Open Traktor, import the .tsi via the Controller Manager.

    4. From your Macbook, click the wireless icon and select "Create Network" - name it whatever you want, password is optional. Connect your iPad to this network (You may notice it takes a few extra seconds to connect, but it will, be patient)

    5. Open the OSCulator file, and once it is running open Traktor and make sure your midi routing is set correctly (Usually it just says Osculator-in and Osculator-out).

    6. Open TouchOSC, connect to your host (OSCulator will pop up in the TouchOSC menu with your computer's name) and make sure the green lights are firing in OSCulator, signaling a connection between TouchOSC and OSCulator. You should now be able to control Traktor with your iPad.

    NOTE: I'm not going to offer support for this mapping unless it's an easy and valid question, I expect the users to have at least intermediate experience with this technology, enjoy!

  • #2
    Simply awesome !


    • #3

      Originally posted by camille View Post
      Simply awesome !
      really dig it, just wish the track browsing was a bit better e.g. change playlists as well..


      • #4
        Hi there,

        Looks like a great map for the OSC - well done.

        Problem is, i cant get the flaming thing to work? I have been using another OSC link up to my IPad so I am doing everything right, it just does not seem to pick up any commands? Any ideas?

        I have tried this on create network and also through touch osc bridge.




        • #5
          its OK - got it working now....didn't realise that I had to use OSCulator one for me )



          • #6
            hi, it's normal i can't see the jog wheel?? i donwload all and it's working but i can't see the circle of the middle. thanks ;D


            • #7


              • #8
                looks awesome! gonna give it a try!


                • #9
                  Thank You!!! ???

