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wii remote change midi note based on tilt

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  • wii remote change midi note based on tilt

    Hi there,
    I'm looking to find out what I will need for the wii remote to change pitch based on the tilt of it. If you have the wii remote facing towards the ground I want it to play a low note and when you point it to the ceiling. I want the notes to be the notes on the piano. I want the user to play a note based on the angel or tilt of the remote. Also...I want to only play the note when the B button is pressed.

    If you can help, thanks.

  • #2
    Hi Anthony,

    Take a look at the folder /Application/OSCulator ƒ/Samples Library/Wiimote/MIDI Note, there is a file that will do just what you described at the exception it uses the "roll" attitude angle instead of "pitch". If you want to play based on the pitch attitude angle (or "tilt"), you can simply reconfigure it so the Note Params event named Pitch is set to the pitch attitude angle like on this picture:

    Wiimote Pitch Note.png

    This file is also configured to bend the notes when the angle is changed.



    • #3
      Thanks. I'll have to check that out. I figured it would be easy and lots of people would have done it. I'll test it out.

