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Midi increments from Max to Osculator

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  • Midi increments from Max to Osculator

    Hey, I'm working on a patch that lets to me jump specific increments of midi data so that I can use buttons to change parameters on a specific vst I use. In my Max patch, the very first increment is 0.0 to 0.13, but I notice that when sending this midi over to Osculator to monitor it, I see that it remains 0.0. I have to go through 7 more increments (.26 .39 .52 .65 .78 .91 1.04) until I actually get to 1.0.

    Why isn't Osculator registering the decimal portion (tenth and hundredth) of the incoming midi data?

  • #2
    For anyone interested, here is my Max patch. To use it just make two midi cc parameters in Osculator (called 1 and 2) and send them to Max. Then you can send the output back from Max to Osculator and monitor it.

    886.3oc6Y1sbhBCEG+Z7ofgqoLDBetyN6L6yQmc5DwnlVHvDBc 6tc569lD9P
    fpVpqVzVuIpwv4bxI+9eRh97LMi4YOgKLz+l9s5ZZOOSSS0krC s5OqYjhdJN
    AUnFlAE+6r42aXV8Ub7SbU2w7jrRtNr4KxY3BLki3jL5cLbLux G1V1l8az+U
    8SrlrXAlJGlccOKynbJJEqbvOYDTRq0Q730D5pNVF33IsnOLzx NxNzwT2MT1
    AHpiO5FUc8DYgxGhI1MQ1Fcb+RTLdXHUP9qpO.vxKxCDFzIWDm kjw15TEzIL
    nkoDZBlqxnv5NmiheXEKqjtnqCGZPPkAcf.X.7UVUrDzX11o1J ZlHKkPhena
    2yW0wxfVKCZCU4vdY1LYi4HQikIYhXnI8Ihk7RdF8Ut9zhFqGr Lrs4VyBFiz
    K8F3Y1qs6XWObvhkcYqiZ0vs+fiQTAehnq5wNaAZ8gVfPPHT3L nusUjjbCM0
    8TY.GvHHWQXUDiRp.RqsvygQ6imyQLQVjiY2gon4I6l0gs1VrD u.GSRQI4IB
    q0C1NPI.XuR.AUWfKyGLqEY25YcyCmwVfY87tZkroY2REmFGQn jTA.KSceml
    Qw+nEp5IW1yzZGpsJmw+SNtxBRoBhaXpKlxzUFsO9apJMakcCi zq50O.8Z8l
    LdAhR+tdtAfFsJH7nnUcOJZU6qZ0OcZ0cbrKTbbYpXpM0G6xCT +xnECcvdXz
    nOx0Fz9zeZqPUACWU0Ev9XRvAATiGjNd3BWet9M1Vfo6X5NNJK BgpCm6FbP7
    RvGGu.NA7hy6jWT0cLmRtQb6NBUGL0UYf1UvygQM9esnFBUsok 7koCYbl7BM
    +WHi2Uj4Cd2oIcyolxL0aN4dPLC75lSmJroLcNlc89pui6q56Z EFEBC7ETs3
    vVgfPf780WZM5XboUn8Q4RqGmeL0OO2NcYFKEwGwuj6tphOo2V 8pR8cpTc7U
    61bpDoNvqhzuJhT0vLDm9d3ermB6j82W4VjUxhahqleFR8MdaA tfSnsL2sa9
    exz2mvbKG+nsIZiwIERhqh.1ZklQG0QiHpgQmYQs7JFucTGbtE 0AWj4ZYTCF
    STCNmhZ+wjqgma4Z3EYtFdQx0iox2fh5WHU9bN635QoFOs6MVs AOJO+QLqn1


    • #3
      Hi Samelot,

      OSCulator does register the value but the Quick Look window only displays two digits of precision.
      When received, incoming MIDI CC are scaled back from [0 127] to [0.0 1.0], so you want to monitor them in their natural range ([0 127]), just assign a dummy MIDI CC event, and you will see them going through 0 to 127 in the Quick Look window.

      Now, the problem you describe seems related to the increment value you choose in the attached Max patch. Would 0.5 and -0.5 be more appropriate? When I use those values, I get a single MIDI value increment every time the MIDI CC 1 or 2 is triggered.



      • #4
        Basically, what I was trying to do with this patch was to have it sent back into Osculator as CC 3 (not entirely necessary to send back to Osculator before going to Ableton, but it made my life easier cause I'm still a noobergoober), and then assign that to a VST parameter in Ableton. This VST parameter controls waveforms in a softsynth, there are 163 waveforms and the VST slider range is from 0 to 1000. So I haven't yet found a way to increment through all these waveforms without skipping any.

        (this is a previous post of me trying to figure this out)

        I see what your saying about the dummy clips, because I found a Max patch that let me select this VST parameter and send it back to Osculator so that I could monitor the midi data. Inputing the waveform parameter into Osculator and setting it as a standard CC I got:

        0.13 [waveform 1]
        0.25 [waveform 2]
        0.38 [waveform 3]
        0.51 [waveform 4]
        0.64 [waveform 5]

        Hearing people suggest using pitchbend to get to these increments without skipping, I also inputed the parameter as a pitchbend:

        16.38 [waveform 1]
        32.77 [waveform 2]
        49.15 [waveform 3]
        65.53 [waveform 4]
        81.92 [waveform 5]

        So now I'm confused because when I monitor this waveform parameter, I see that each increment (next waveform) results in a specific jump in midi data (a float or one with tenths and hundredths places). And having found out each data increment, trying to send that back to the parameter via my Max patch, just doesn't register.


        • #5
          Hello Samelot,

          This VST parameter controls waveforms in a softsynth, there are 163 waveforms and the VST slider range is from 0 to 1000. So I haven't yet found a way to increment through all these waveforms without skipping any.
          You can not select one item in a set of 1000 values using a MIDI CC which only has 127 values. You will inevitably skip some values. Using a Pitch Bend message (14 bits = 16384 values) looks like a better approach to me.

          Again, keep in mind that the Quick Look window only displays 2 decimals, it does not mean that OSCulator trims the precision internally. OSCulator does retain the whole precision of the received messages.

          I will be happy to test a more detailed configuration if you provide me with the files.


          All the best,

