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Quick Start Guide

Obtaining the software

  • Open the file you just downloaded and drag the OSCulator folder to your Applications folder
  • Launch the application and follow the initial setup instructions

Input Setup

When launched OSCulator shows an empty window. It is actually listening for incoming messages. As soon it receives OSC data, you can use it to send it to another application (see that section).


  1. Plug any extension you want to use with your Wiimote and press buttons 1 & 2 of your Wiimote
  2. A list of messages should appear in the main window

iPhone / iPod Touch

  1. Unless you have it already, download an OSC compatible application on the App Store like:
  2. Connect your iPhone to the same network as the computer that is running OSCulator
  3. Configure the aforementioned application so it sends OSC messages to that computer (you can follow that tutorial that has been written for TouchOSC, other applications work about the same)
  4. Touch some controls on the application running of the iPhone to test if the messages are well received by OSCulatorn they should appear in the list

Logitech SpaceNavigator

  1. Connect the SpaceNavigator to an USB port
  2. Click on the menu item Window → Use SpaceNavigator
  3. Rock and roll

OSC enabled software or device like the Lemur

Any OSC enabled software or device can natively send data to OSCulator. All you have to do is to make sure that the OSC output port of your device matches the OSC input port of OSCulator.

Output Setup

Now that you have a working input, you can transform the incoming data to something useful.

quickstart/start.1236865697.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/03/12 14:48 by camille