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Testing tocuhosc + Osculator with Logic
Thank you John, though I'm not sure you need OSCulator if you are only using the stock TouchOSC template for Logic.
I'm just using the TouchOSC Logic template that come as standard.... btw I just solved the problem! For some reason the (outgoing) port on the Ipad was set at 8000 and Logic had preset 7000? so I just change the Ipad to 7000 and it worked.... thanks will be purchasing ;-)
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Hello John,
The demo is almost fully functional: the only limitation is that processing is first stopped after 5 minutes, and then every 20 minutes.
Could you tell us how you configured OSCulator to make the mapping between TouchOSC and the Master Volume in Logic?
Best Regards,
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Testing tocuhosc + Osculator with Logic
Hi, before I purchase the full version, I wanted to see if I could get the midi connection with Logic working.... however using the Osculator demo what are the a restriction for controlling logic with the IPAD? For example; if I move the Master Volume in Logic it moves the Master Volume channel on the IPAD TouchOSC Logic template, but when trying to use the IPAD to control the Master volume in logic it doesn't work?
Will it work if I purchase the full version or am I doing something wrong?
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