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Arturia Minilab MKII Mapping for GarageBand

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  • Arturia Minilab MKII Mapping for GarageBand


    I have done a mapping for using the Arturia Minilab MKII with GarageBand, using OSCulator.
    The mapping allows for instruments params modification, tracks selections, stop/play/record, and some other things.

    There is 7 memories, and 1 mapping.

    Memories :

    Always :
    * Knob 1 + shift -> master level
    * Knob 9 + shift -> track level

    For 7 and 8, if you have more than 8 tracks :
    * Click knob 1 : bank -
    * Click knob 9 : bank +

    - GarageBand 2 Drums Std.minilabmk2
    * Pads -> MIDI notes C1-D#2 (MIDI drums standard)
    * Knobs -> MIDI CC 70-80 + 91-95 (MIDI effects standard)

    - GarageBand 3 Drums GB Inst.minilabmk2
    * Pads -> MIDI notes C1-D#2 (MIDI drums standard)
    * Knobs -> MIDI CC 89-90 + 102-119 (unused) => mapped on logic OSC intruments params 2 - 17 (1 is often the intrument name)

    - GarageBand 4 Drums Abs.minilabmk2
    * Pads -> MIDI notes C1-D#2 (MIDI drums standard)
    * Knobs -> MIDI CC 89-90 + 102-119 (unused)
    -> to be mapped on MIDI Learn with absolute values

    - GarageBand 5 Drums Rel.minilabmk2
    * Pads -> MIDI notes C1-D#2 (MIDI drums standard)
    * Knobs -> MIDI CC 89-90 + 102-119 (unused)
    -> to be mapped on MIDI Learn with relative values (like Pigments) - easier when passing from one preset to the other

    - GarageBand 6 Drums 2.minilabmk2
    * Pads -> MIDI notes E2-G3 (second range for MIDI drums standard)
    * Knobs -> MIDI CC 89-90 + 102-119 (unused)

    - GarageBand 7 Mix.minilabmk2
    * Pads 1-8 -> mute track 1-8
    * Pads 9-16 -> solo track 1-8
    * Knobs 1-8 -> level track 1-8
    * Knobs 9-16 -> pan track 1-8
    Better to quit and relaunch OSCulator when using this memory, as GarageBand send all info when connected, and then all knobs are put at correct level

    - GarageBand 8 Control.minilabmk2
    * Knobs -> MIDI CC 89-90 + 102-119 (unused)
    * Pad 1 : stop
    * Pad 2 : play
    * Pad 3 : record
    * Pad 7 : cycle
    * Pad 8 : click (metronom)
    * Pad 9-16 : select track 1-8

    When connecting to GarabeGand, all info are send by garageBand and pads should be correctly lighted
    When passing from one memory to the other, all leds are blacked out, and as there's no way to keep the data or to ask the data back to GarageBand, the data is lost.

    Garageband OSC Routes.oroutes
    OSC routes used

    Minilab MIDI templates.omidi
    Sysex MIDI message for Minilab MKII (leds, levels, ...)

    The mapping itself

    So the Workflow is :
    - memory 8 allows to select which track you want to work with (pad 9-16), and then to play/record.
    - memory 2-5 are for playing drums and instruments. The choice is done on how to modify instruments params :
    --- 2 standard is for instruments that don't have Midi Learn. The standard MIDI messages might works
    --- 3 GB instruments are for GarageBand instruments, as some of them works with OSC instruments params value messages
    --- 4 is for instruments with MIDI Learn but that don't understand relative knobs
    --- 5 is for instruments with MIDI Learn that understand relative knobs (like Pigments).
    - memory 6 is for playing extended drums (some in GarageBand)
    - memory 7 is for mastering the whole set.

    Hope that it will helps others
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Thank you very much for this post!
    And sorry for the wait, I did not see it was pending approval.


    • #3
      Thank you for making this. I can't seem to get it to work though. I launch OSCulator with Minilab-Garageband.osc3. Everything looks fine and Garageband claims that it sees 2 midi inputs. But when I try the pads and knobs, no luck. They just behave as if the original mapping was on. What am I missing?


      • #4
        Thanks for providing the mapping. Unfortunately it seems I'm also missing something here. After configuring the MK2 via MIDI Control Center I'm able to see the right LED-lights on the pads (Memory 8-GarageBand Control). Afterwards I imported the mapping for the OSCulator-now I'm able to see the generated Output as well. After start up of GB two MIDI Inputs were recognized but the pads and knobs data won't be processed in GB.
        Can you give me a hint of what I'm doing wrong here?

