Hello Malte,
What I see from the file you shared is that the Keycode 125 (arrow down) is triggered whenever a note is played on MIDI channel 1 or channel 2.
You need to "de-multiplex" the signal in order to see the notes, and attach and event to the note you want.
In order to do that, select the "pitch" argument, and choose Edit -> Demux, or hit Control-D.
Then play the note you want, for example C4 (60). It should result in the following mapping:
With this sub-message, you can assign the Keycode 125 to the note C4 (60).
Finally, you should make sur you chose a "Default target" application in the Parameters Window (Key Combos tab), in order to control the application even when it is not frontmost.
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Trigger Keycode someties wont work
Dear Malte,
Could you also please share your OSCulator file?
Thank you,
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Trigger Keycode someties wont work
I send MIDI via a Cymatic LP16 Player to OSCulator. Sometimes I only get a yellow light, so the Keycode won't be triggered. Sometimes I get a green light and the Keycode will be triggered. This all happens with the same MIDI File. I simply want to send the Keycode Key125 (Arrow Down) to start the next scene in OBS Studio.
I will attach the MIDI file.
Thanks for your help.
Kind regards
MalteAttached FilesTags: None
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