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Type of <argN> in rewrite address

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  • Type of <argN> in rewrite address


    I've been trying to puzzle this out, but I can't seem to figure it out. Is there a way to change the type of the <argN> substitution available for the Rewrite Address similar to the Arguments? I need <argN> to be an integer instead of a decimal value. The OSC route I'm sending to is configured as /hyperdeck/macro/<index>/run, where <index> is the parameter. I'm trying to use MIDI velocity to do the selection. I've gotten /hyperdeck/macro/1.00/run using /hyperdeck/macro/<arg0>/run and MIDI velocity 1, but I need an integer value, i.e. /hyperdeck/macro/1/run. What am I missing?

  • #2
    In a similar boat, trying to get <var0> in a rewrite address as an integer. Seen similar posts about this years ago but no easy solutions. <i:var0> does not work in the rewrite address at all, even though it seems it should (seems like an easy thing to parse and implement).

    Variables have no defined type declaration when setting up the message rule. A plain text integer seems to get interpreted an integer unless I rescale it. Specifically, I have a 0...n-1 index that needs to be incremented as a 1...n index for the destination (in min 0, in max 9, out min 1.0, out max 10.0). This works mathematically, but the result is a float (1 becomes 2.0). I'd be good if I could either define the variable as an int, set the out min/max as integers, or do an <i:var0> similar to how it works when used in message arguments.

    Any tips?

