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Kyma Control for Ipad with Capybara

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  • Kyma Control for Ipad with Capybara


    I am a very happy owner of a Kyma Capybara and not planning to buy a pacarana, but.... i would like to use the Kyma Control for Ipad and it doesn't work with a capybara... Is there a way to use it, thanks to Osculator ? (sending MIDi events ?) I'm already using vKiP from delora and it works well, with their "capylink". In the same way, can other app like konkreet performer can work with my Capy ?


  • #2
    Hi Gurwal,

    OSCulator is plug and play with the Kyma Capybara, but it has not been designed to be compatible with Kyma Control, because this application requires bi-directional control, and the Flame protocol (FireWire) does not support bi-directional communications.

    Kyma Control works with the Pacarana only, sorry!



    • #3
      thanks for this quick answer !

      So, do you know app that will work ?


      • #4
        I'm sorry, I don't know any application that can do the bridge between Kyma Control and a Capybara.


        • #5
          Sorry, english is not my native language, and sometimes it doesn't work bi-directional ! i was asking if you knew app for my ipad that will allow me to control my capy with osculator, as kyma control for paca. Many thanks!!!


          • #6
            Ah, no problem!
            There are plenty of application that communicate with OSC.
            You can start for example with TouchOSC that is widely popular.
            For simple custom layouts, it will work perfectly with OSCulator.

            If money is not a problem, and that you would like to go further, you can also try Lemur that is very advanced, and renown.

            The only gripe I have with TouchOSC or Lemur (worse) is the poor network support, configuration can be painful.


            • #7
              THANKS !!! i will try TouchOSC.


              • #8
                one last question.... Do you know an app that will transform my ipad in a midi keyboard to control my Capy thru osculator ? Thanks so much for your help, i am a bit lost in all the app that exist.


                • #9
                  I can't help you on this, you will have to experiment. with TouchOSC for a start, and refine with other applications
                  I see what you mean, but I know nothing like the Kyma Control keyboard.


                  • #10

                    Thanks to Osculator, i was able to use Konkreet Performer with my Kyma/Capy ! very useful for morphing. I've started to use TouchOSc, with some layout, especially Keypad from discoDSP. But when i change the event type from MIDI note to Kyma note, it doesn't work anymore. Any idea ? I've done that for Performer and it worked great.


                    • #11
                      Hello Gurwal,

                      I am sorry, I have no idea.
                      Have you tried a simple test with a Kyma note in a basic, built-in layout of TouchOSC?
                      For example, try to assign a Kyma Note to a push button in the Keys layout, and see if that triggers your sound.



                      • #12
                        I first assign a push button to a Midi Note without value, works fine. Then change the event type to Kyma Note, still without value, works fine (green light). Then choose a value for the Kyma Note (C4 for ex) the light went yellow once and the no light. it looks like it is not waiting for this kind of value. Do i have to change something in the global map, i've done that for Performer but it was not a format problem.
                        Many thanks !


                        • #13
                          Midi Note without value
                          I am sorry, I don't understand what is a MIDI Note without value.
                          Do you mean that you did not choose anything from the Value menu?
                          In this case, it is impossible to have a green activity light, that's why I'm confused.

                          Then choose a value for the Kyma Note (C4 for ex) the light went yellow once and the no light.
                          In this case you should check that the sound you are running on the Capybara has a MIDIVoice block.
                          The yellow light means that Kyma did not interpret the MIDI note request.

                          I don't think it is a problem with how OSCulator communicates with the Capy, but it's worth checking. Please send me your TouchOSC layout, Kyma and OSCulator files to camille at osculator dot net and I will have a look!



                          • #14
                            OK! i'll be in the studio tomorrow, so i will send this tomorrow.


                            • #15
                              Hi Gurwal,

                              I have tested Kyma with OSCulator and found a problem with the Kyma Note event.
                              The problem is that a note that is turned on, will not go off.
                              I don't know at this moment the reason of this problem, I will ask SymbolicSound and keep you posted.


                              PS: this problem is not exactly the same as the one you reported, anyway it is still safe to ask SymSound. Also, it would be useful to know what version of Kyma you are using with your Capybara. I am using the latest version of Kyma with the latest firmware installed in my Pacarana.
                              Last edited by camille; 10-05-2012, 01:27 AM.

