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Ardour to OSCulator Issues

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  • Ardour to OSCulator Issues

    Hi there. I'm pretty new to OSCulator and am kind of a noob at it so I'm having a lot of trouble connecting functions from the audio program Ardour to OSCulator.

    For one of my final projects, I want to use a controller (Specifically the Novint Falcon) with a functioning OSCulator file to control a things in OSCulator, but I can't seem to make them talk to each. I've used the Falcon's OSCulator file for things before, but I have no idea how to make it send messages to another program like Ardour (I've only previously done this with Processing).

    I found this page ( that details directories for Ardour Controls using OSC when its OSC function is turned on. However, I can't for the life of me figure out what to actually do with these addresses or where to put them. I connected to the right ports and I tried the routing section of the values of OSC in response to one of my controller's functions, but it doesn't seem to react to anything I do (Such as /ardour/transport_stop). Given how little I know of OSCulator, I think it may mean I'm apparoching this issue wrong. Can someone give me a step-by-step breakdown as to how to use these Ardour OSC directories with OSculator.

  • #2
    Hi Supersparkplug,

    I was about to write a detailed tutorial on how to control Ardour with OSCulator but unfortunately after spending 1 hour trying to figure out why Ardour would not react to any OSC message, I gave up and I feel sorry about that.

    If you want to control Ardour using MIDI instead of OSC, you can still use this tutorial I wrote some time ago:


