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Problem connecting Wiimote

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  • David C. Barbedillo

    try pressing the red button (power) with 1 and 2 at the same time

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  • camille
    Hi Cory,

    I'm glad OSCulator has been useful to you so far.

    A good rule of thumb to know is that once the Wiimote has been successfully connected to your computer, the only reason why it would drop the connection is a loss of signal caused by the Wiimote being too far or too much interference in the vicinity (Wi-Fi networks, bluetooth phones, etc.).

    What you describe sounds like a progressive degradation of the bluetooth signal. I can't tell you wether it is your remote or your computer's bluetooth adapter, but it sounds like there is a faulty component. I've already heard of similar symptoms from other users. It would be good to test with another computer and the same Wiimote, or with another bluetooth adapter on your computer.

    I have sent you the most recent build of OSCulator which fixes a small issue with third party Wiimotes, but I fear this does not relate to the problem you have. It may be worth a test though, please keep me posted...


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  • cjlevinson
    started a topic Problem connecting Wiimote

    Problem connecting Wiimote

    Hey. Let me first say i'm a huge fan of osculator. I've been using it for a wiimote based instrument that runs through max/msp and max for live for quite a while now.

    I'm running Mac OS X 10.7.5 on one of hte first 15" intel unibody macbook pros (late 2008).

    I've been using this wiimote with osculator for over a year and it's mostly worked flawlessly. However, recently (past few months) I've had issues with connecting my wiimote to osculator periodically. I was running an old version of osculator (i think it may have been around 2.9) and whenever I would perform live, the wiimote would be connected and spontaneously drop the connection. I would have to hit button 1&2 again, sync it, and then it would be back. The battery level was indicated as >70%

    Then last Friday the wiimote just would not connect at all. I would see the blue LEDs blinking saying when I pressed the buttons, and the pairing would never happen.

    Then I upgraded to 2.12.3. I followed the new instructions (including hitting the reset button instead of 1&2, as well as disabling the joystick kernel option and rebooting my computer), but no dice.

    Actually, there was 2 seconds when the connection actually worked, and it paired, but then I lost it after about a minute and I once again haven't been able to successfully connect since.

    The wiimote is about a year old, and a 3rd party model. I got it around March 2011.

    This is really frustrating and I have a gig on tuesday night, so I'm hoping that i get it to work before then!!

    Any help would be super appreciated. If there's anything I can to do help with bug reporting or diving into logs or something, let me know and i'll try my best!
