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5 wiimotes?

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  • Teresa
    oh, i didn't realize. i thought it was part of the pack. no worries. thanks Camille :-))

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  • camille
    Thanks Teresa !
    ps: the Wiimote patch is only a demo to show how to get Wiimote's signal into Max/MSP but does not produce any signal per se.

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  • Teresa
    Thanks Camille! I'll hope to figure this out.

    In the mean time, I didn't realize this, but the current wiimote Max patch does not send simultaneous data from 4 wiimotes. my tech collaborator Brian MacMillan just updated the patch to do this. If you'd like to contact him his email is brmacmillan@ ------ . ---. (

    Teresa :-)
    Last edited by camille; 02-21-2011, 12:24 PM. Reason: removed email

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  • camille
    Hi Teresa,

    Depending on your computer you can connect up to 4 Wiimotes and 7 Wiimotes on most recent (1 year old) Macbook / Macbook Pro models.

    I don't know exactly how you use the Max patch, but it actually works in a very simple way. I would suggest you have a look at the CNMAT extension OSC-route, this is what is used in the example patch.

    If you experiment a bit with OSC-route you should be able to do your own setup without too much difficulty.


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  • Teresa
    started a topic 5 wiimotes?

    5 wiimotes?

    hi everyone, i'm wondering if it's possible to add a firth wiimote (so i could work with 5 wiimotes simultaneously)?

    currently the Max patch that comes with Osculator is limited to 4 wiimotes.

    if it's possible, do i have to change the patch much?

    any help is appreciated. i have a little Max exposure, but am not a programmer. the best of course would be if someone is willing to share a patch that allows working with 5 or more wiimotes.

    many thanks!

    Teresa Ascencao
    Media Artist & Arts Educator
    Last edited by Teresa; 02-17-2011, 05:33 PM.