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OS El Capitan problem

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  • OS El Capitan problem

    osculator is not working under Os El Capitan
    the install message " You need to install an extension in order to use this feature. This operation is automatic and only takes a few seconds.Would you like to do this now?" keeps popping

    any updates or fixes?

  • #2
    Hi balam,

    The problem comes from the new security model of El Capitan which puts more stringent restriction on kernel extensions. I am currently working on a permanent fix. If you don't mind, this article explains the procedure to deactivate Rootless and revert to Yosemite's security model, where OSCulator's kernel extension can be loaded :

    I have tried on a MacBook Air, and this works, though this should be considered temporary.

    Best Regards,


    • #3
      Originally posted by balam View Post
      osculator is not working under Os El Capitan
      the install message " You need to install an extension in order to use this feature. This operation is automatic and only takes a few seconds.Would you like to do this now?" keeps popping

      any updates or fixes?

      any ETA about the new update with fix ?



      • #4
        I am waiting for a reply from Apple, estimated time is 2 to 3 weeks.


        • #5
          If no new problems are found, I should release a new version this weekend.


          • #6
            A new release was made today and was tested on OS X El Capitan, please let me know if this works for you.


            • #7
              new version
              seems to be working fine


              • #8
                Sorry, new version not working for me. I just ran in to this problem today, having now upgraded to el Capitan. I have tried through the System Prefs and through Osculator; can't get either to pair. In System Prefs/BT the Macintosh sees the wiimote (Older version: Nintendo RVL-CNT-01) but asks for passcode. When I put in 0000 it won't pair. There is no more ability to continue without passcode. I wonder if I should try to deactivate rootless...


                • #9
                  Sorry about that. Let me have another look.
                  Please don't deactivate rootless there is no need to, the Wiimote driver does not run in kernel mode.


                  • #10
                    At first glance, it works straight away with a Wiimote (with MotionPlus inside) model, so that's a rather recent one. I'll try with an older one, but I am pretty sure what you experience does not have a lot to do with El Capitan.

                    Have you ever had used old versions of OSCulator on this computer? It could be an incorrect version of OSCulator kernel driver (an old one that contained code to run the Wiimote, but that really really old). You can also find threads on this forum about resetting Bluetooth settings, but as I have not a lot of experience with El Capitan I am not sure if they are still relevant and what to advice I can give at the moment.



                    • #11
                      Thanks, Cam. I have used OSCulator on this machine for quite awhile. I did reset BT by resetting PRAM and SAM (or whatever that's called...can't exactly remember at the moment). Prior to that, the OS wouldn't see the wiimote. Now it recognizes it, but just won't pair!

                      But to your suggestion: Is there an old kernel driver I can uninstall? Of so, how?


                      • #12
                        OSCulator 2.13.3 not working with my system neither. A simple MIDI controller (AKAI LPD8) to Kyma. Knobs and pads from the LPD8 are recognized by OSCulator just the first time they are pushed, then no further activity is registered (midi is incoming through USB though, as read by MIDIMONITOR aplication)


                        • #13

                          This has nothing to do with bluetooth or El Capitan.
                          What MIDI messages are sent by the knobs and pads?



                          • #14
                            Continuous controllers... cc65 to cc70 through usb cable, no bluetooth involved. Incoming MIDI chn. 14. Routed to Kyma CC chn 1 (Default input chn in Kyma)
                            Worked perfectly in snow leopard before upgrading
                            Inputs and outputs activated in OSCulator
                            Kyma doen't receive info
                            Green/Yellow/Red Lights in OSCulator do not blink
                            I may miss something....


                            • #15
                              Would you mind sending your file to
                              This way I can have a look.

