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Wii Air Drums: Using the accelerometer to send a note to Abletons drumrack when swung, and using the buttons to unmute the desired...
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What are your creative ways to use WiiMotes with Osculator?
Touch osc + osculator to control ableton tempo
Hi, i wanted to ask if anyone knows how can i make some kind of midi mapping with the tousch osc and osculator to control the ableton tempo but in increments...
Multiple MIDI assignments
I'm using a wiimote, through OSCulator into Ableton Live, although I think this question should be applicable for many other set-ups....
Problem Sending BPM to CoGe VJ
I'm using Osculator to link Live and a USB hardware controller to a great piece of VJ software called CoGe. I thought it would be easy to set up correctly,...
osculator + touch osc to control ableton live 8
Hello I'm using the touch osc app in my ipad, and the osculator to translate data to midi so i can map the controls to live... But I cant manage to map...
X or Y ?
I actually used Live 8 and OSCulator with my IPhone. My question is: how can I assign X = cc0 and Y = cc1 with the pad to a filter for...
Ableton Live setup?
Does anyone know how to configure Ableton Live 7 with OSCulator and TouchOSC on the iPhone? I've loaded the iPhone template into OSCUlator, but I don't...