MSA Remote for iPhone

Memo Atken, a talented multimedia artist, finally got his iPhone application approved after 4 submissions to the AppStore!

I am happy to say OSCulator has been tuned hand in hand with Memo to support this application.

MSA Remote is a remote control application for iPhone & iPod Touch that sends OSC messages over the wifi network. This allows you to control any OSC supporting applications such as Max/MSP/Jitter, PureData, Reaktor, VDMX, vvvv, Resolume, Quartz Composer etc.

By mapping the OSC to midi on desktop (e.g. using OSCulator) allows further control of any application which supports midi such as Ableton Live, Cubase, Logic Pro, 3DSMax etc. In addition, developers can easily integrate OSC into their applications knowing it can be controlled remotely.

More info here.

Controlling Logic Pro with an iPhone

Olivier Sebillote has written a comprehensive tutorial explaining how to map TouchOSC controls to Logic Pro volume faders, mute switches, sends and plugin parameters.

This tutorial is written in three chapters:

* [Using TouchOSC with LogicPro (Part 1: Controlling Volume Faders)](
* [Using TouchOSC with LogicPro (Part 2: Controlling Mute switches)](
* [Using TouchOSC with LogicPro (Part 3: Controlling Sends and plugins parameters)](

You will get a lot of information on how to use Logic’s powerful Environment to map MIDI controls to various parameters. This tutorial, is hosted in the Documentation section of this website.

New manual online

A new version of the manual is now online.
It is based a new Wiki that provides a clean and nice presentation. I hope you will appreciate.

The super cool thing is that the users that registered on the forum can contribute to the manual and submit their own modifications.

There is also a QuickStart guide for the impatient that provides instructions to quickly getting started with OSCulator.