Here’s a very well made tutorial made by Neo Ruiz on how to use OSCulator and TouchOSC with Logic Studio.
You can also watch this video in HD on his website. There are also a few useful notes in addition.
Rafael Hernandez, Director of the Multimedia Graduate Program at CSU East Bay has made a cool tutorial on how to use OSCulator with Pure Data.
He explains in detail how OSC messages can be sent from the DJ Hero Controller to PD, and how you can use the routeOSC object to easily extract the values from the OSC messages. (Note that in order to get the DJ Hero Controller working you will have to wait for the official release of OSCulator 2.9 as the current release candidate doesn’t have the support for this device yet.)
With some minor changes you can learn from this tutorial to route message from the Wiimote or other controllers as well.
Rafael also has a HUGE collection of quality tutorials on PD that is certainly worth having a look at.