Konkreet Performer: A futuristic iOS Interface
What could be making music by taking full advantage of the possibilities created by the latest multi-touch technology? Conventional controls like faders, rotaries, buttons, are perhaps not the best way to bring a visual connection between the musician and the audience when on stage.
More than a studio controller, Konkreet Performer has been designed from the ground up to be a superior live performance instrument.
And it looks very promising!
In the Noisepages board, Shai Levy from konkreetlabs.com hints us on the motivation that fueled the development of Konkreet Performer:
and then came the iPhone and the stream of new music apps grew by the day. we could see the potential of using this platform to be used as a controller, but were literally shocked to see faders and knobs being repeatedly cloned from the old physical interfaces down to the flat, yet very powerful domain of the tablets.
so we came up with Konkreet Performer! and because it’s not out yet, i’m really dying to tell you how it is to work with: we use OSCulator to map it to our DAW of choice. so far we’ve experimented mosly with Ableton Live and Kore2.
So here is a very innovative controller for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. I must say I am very excited about this inspiring video, and I am looking forward to trying it on early 2011!