OSCulator 3.1.2

In this release:

  • Fixed activity lights display under macOS High Sierra.
  • New Preferences setting: Decimal Format Precision (default is 2 decimal digits).
  • Change behavior of OSC service discovery in order to prevent undesired OSC target changes.
  • Improved robustness of OSC Target URL parsing.
  • Fixed a crash happening when closing the OSC Route editor.
  • Enabled pasting of strings containing a space character in the OSC Route editor.
  • Improved robustness of received MIDI message matching.
  • Restored the old behavior of creating a mapping, that is, copy of the current mapping’s messages in the new one.
  • Fixed problems when copying messages between mappings.
  • Made it so the table listing AppleScripts can be grown larger.
  • Fixed a crash occurring on systems missing the font "Andale Mono".

Skeleton tracking with the Kinect and OSCulator

Nathan Cornes has written a tutorial on how to integrate together the Kinect, Synapse (a skeleton tracking software compatible with the Kinect) and the NETLab toolkit.

Your Fox’s, A Dirty Gold

From Alexander Schubert:

“Your Fox’s A Dirty Gold” is an interactive performance piece for a singer with motion sensors, electric guitar, live-electronics and lights.
“Fox” is what you could describe as a modern pop song (a love song actually). It incorporates elements of contemporary and experimental electronic music in the domain of pop music.

I like this piece, it reminds me the sounds of the No Wave style, and some early Zappa, but in a more contemporary form.

This is only the trailer, but you can watch the whole piece by visiting Alexander’s website.

The concept is to link all involved elements to the movement and gestures of the performer. This allows the singer to control, trigger and shape in time all technical and musical parts of the composition in real time. The software MAX/MSP is used to control the live electronics and the DMX lights. They are driven by the upper body movement of the singer and the electric guitar interface.
The aim of this technical concept is to establish an embodiment of the involved electronic apexes of the piece in order to make it perceivable and controllable like a regular acoustic instrument.


Freeka and I are ever busy exploring the fun world of face substitution fun. So far, we use a mix of OpenFrameworks, OpenCV, Syphon, OSC and Max/MSP/Jitter. I am amazed everything still holds together.

Many thanks to Kyle MacDonald for the code that helped us getting started and Jason Mora Saragih for the Tracking algorithms.

Untitled from FreeKa Tet on Vimeo.

Face Control and Prostheses Make the Craziest Sounds

My friend Freeka Tet has been featured in Create Digital Music for his work with the great face recognition application FaceOSC his home-made face recognition algorithms.

There are plenty of videos in this post, check them out!

New iPad app: OSC Physics

OSC Physic is an application that runs on the iPad that simulates physical properties of bouncing objects.

I’ve tried it and found it entertaining, simple to use and very efficient. I wished there were more colors and shapes to choose from, and — most importantly — an connection browser based on Bonjour. I’m sure Martin, the author of the application will polish those details in the future:

This is the first release of a series of apps that will send OSC. I think it will work great with Osculator given its speed and functionality. For what I tested works faster than Max/MSP.

It’s also worth mentionning that there is a good PDF documentation and a forum making this application more than worth the 1,50 €.

Find OSC Physics on the App Store.

Tutoriel en français pour Traktor, TouchOSC et OSCulator

Comme ça fait plaisir de trouver un tutoriel bien fait et surtout en français, bravo !

Wiimote and MIDI tutorial

David Bergman gives a nice and detailed tutorial on how to use the Wiimote in OSCulator:

Konkreet Performer review on Resident Advisor

Here is an interesting review of OSCulator and Konkreet Performer on Resident Advisor.

Like the author, I am not totally sure whether KP is the perfect tool for the DJs, but it is undoubtely an incredible multi-touch / futuristic / creative instrument.

Luminair for iPad

Luminair for iPad is an innovative, advanced DMX lighting controller over Wi-Fi.

The user interface is really gorgeous but most of all, it has been thought and designed for the lighting engineer. It comprises a large range of presets for DMX lighting systems from Clay Paky to Vari-Lite.

I am not an expert in DMX lighting but my experience reveals that using this application was easy, and powerful at the same time. A very nice feature is the ability to control Luminair using OSC or MIDI messages over the air. Here is a demonstration of how to control Luminair using TouchOSC on an iPhone or a Wiimote controller with OSCulator:

I have created a set of OSC Routing for direct use within OSCulator. If you are using a Wiimote for example you can easily select the appropriate OSC Routing to activate a cue, change the current stack or the color components of a track. You can download the files here, they also will be made available in the Samples Library in the next update.